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7 results

Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Günther Bayerl
JPG, 1733x2600 Pxl, 0.61 MB
Mergentheim Residential Palace | Exteriors Mergentheim residential palace
The Museum of the teutonic order and its illustrious history
Deutschordensmuseum Bad Mergentheim GmbH, Jens Hackmann
JPG, 1800x1200 Pxl, 1.99 MB
Mergentheim Residential Palace | Exteriors Aerial view of the castle
The impressive residential palace is situated in the idyllic Tauber Valley.
Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Günther Bayerl
JPG, 2600x1733 Pxl, 1.00 MB
Mergentheim Residential Palace | Exteriors Mergentheim Residential Palace
For centuries, the palace in Bad Mergentheim (Residenzschloss Mergentheim) was the residence of the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order.
Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Günther Bayerl
JPG, 1800x1200 Pxl, 2.23 MB
Mergentheim Residential Palace | Exteriors Avenue of poplars
A towering avenue of poplars runs between palace and park.
Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Günther Bayerl
JPG, 1733x2599 Pxl, 0.51 MB
Mergentheim Residential Palace | Exteriors The coat of arms
The coat of arms of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, with eagle shield and lily staff.
Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Günther Bayerl
JPG, 2600x1733 Pxl, 0.41 MB
Mergentheim Residential Palace | Interiors Spiral staircase
Climbing the Berwart spiral staircase offers unique perspectives
Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Steffen Hauswirth
JPG, 2600x1754 Pxl, 0.70 MB
Mergentheim Residential Palace | Interiors The chapter house
Site of important decisions: The last General Chapters of the Mergentheim era were held in the chapter house